ISK and BSK are typical Dutch figures used to compare animals on a farm. ISK stands for individual standard cow, and BSK is farm standard cow (herd figure).
The ISK value is the optimized milk yield in kilograms for each individual cow. Optimized means the value is standardized according to a few factors. These factors are age (between 6 and 8 years), period of calving (February/March) and lactation days (60 days in lactation). Standardizing this value makes it possible to compare cows in the herd.
The BSK is the average ISK of all lactating cows in the herd. It can be made based on multiple different groups within the herd to notice any differences. The BSK can be used to flag changes related to external factors such as youngstock, feeding and other factors within the barn. It has no relation to reproduction.
These KPIs are available within each cowcard. It is not part of a standard Lely report, since this KPI is not used all over the world. It is possible to add the ISK/BSK to the columns when creating custom reports.