Report 23 – Udder Health Analyze shows all cows which currently have an attention for udder health. Attentions are shown on a quarter basis and combine the information from all milk sensors (yield, conductivity, colour and optional cell count). This list is clearly longer than report 12. We advise using this report 1 x week, whereas report 12 – Udder Health work should be checked 2 x day. In case of udder health issues (e.g. high cell count) we advise using this report instead of report 12.
How do you use report 23?
Click Reports > Health > Report 23 – Udder Health Analyze
Some rules of thumb:
- Normal conductivity values range between 60 and 80
- Conductivity higher than 100 and colour attention [S]: probably clinical mastitis
- Conductivity between 90-100 and high cell count: probably sub-clinical mastitis
- E. coli is usually detected by an abnormal colour area and conductivity at a normal level