Rest feed is a good indicator for health and/or management issues. Rest feed is caused if the cow cannot eat her daily amount of concentrate during her visits over the day. The reason a cow might not eat her daily amount can have different reasons, such as not enough robot visits to eat her concentrates, a short period to eat concentrates due to a high milk speed or due to a low feed speed (setting).
Where can you find report 18?
Click Reports > Feeding > Report 18 – Rest feed
Rest feed is the amount of feed that the cow was unable to eat. This can be caused by irregular visit behavior, low intake per visit or a low number of visits.
Sort the list on the column Total Rest feed to display the cows with the most rest feed at the top. Try to find out why the cow did not eat all her concentrates and try to solve the issue. At herd level, a total rest feed of max 5% is acceptable. Check the chapter feeding to find out the moment at which a cow starts to appear on this report.
More information about how rest feed is calculated can be found here.