The udder health work list is a summary of the cows with udder health attentions for reduction in milk yield, increased conductivity, colour changes and optionally a cell count increase. This will help to identify cows with a risk for mastitis at an early stage.
How can you apply Report 12?
Click Reports > All reports or Health > Report 12 – Udder Health Work List
This report provides an overview of all udder health attentions over the previous 24 hours. Cows will remain on this report for 24 hours after the latest alert. Attentions are shown on a quarter basis and combine the information from all milk sensors (yield, conductivity, colour and optional cell count).
If, for example, a cow receives a ‘new’ attention at 6 am in the form of a conductivity + deviation day production attention and then again at 2 pm she receives a colour attention, this latter attention is considered a new attention and the cow will be shown on this report for a further 24 hours.
What does report 12 tell you?
Attentions are highlighted in red. This will help you see why a cow is on the report. An overview of udder heath parameters of all cows (including old udder health attentions) can be found in report 23 – Udder Health analyses.
Cows with an active milk separation appear on Report 12 and are indicated with an [M].
Some rules of thumb:
- Normal conductivity values range between 60 and 80
- Conductivity higher than 100 and color attention: probably clinical mastitis.
- Conductivity between 90 – 100 and high cell count: probably sub-clinical mastitis.
- E. coli is usually detected by an abnormal color area and conductivity at a normal level
- In some cases, a letter is displayed between the brackets:
[S] = milk separation advised
[A] = automatic milk separation
[M] = manual milk separation